Mistery of Youmei tennou with Koutoku tennou
I checked about Youmei tennou and Koutoku tennou.
Do you know Youmei tennou and Koutoku tennou ?
~What is tennou~
Tennou is the Constitution
of Japan stipulated clearly.
There are four tombs of the Emperor in Taishi town.
The tomb of the emperor what is
Suiko tennouryou, Youmei tennouryou,
Koutoku tennouryou and Bitatsu tennouryou is.
I checked two tombs among them.
And I cheaked about two preliminary tombs.
And I wondred what Mr Nabeshima thought about my question.
By the way,the former emperor seems to have many Imperial Palaces.
~What is Imperial Palaces~
Emperor inhabit place.
There are six Imperial Palaces that Youmei tennou had.
Whenever tennou was changed,Imperial Palace
were also changed Palaces of tennou is there plase also change did.
Become main do things power to stridfe.
“In those days.Empwrors fought for getting strong power.Emperors moved to the powerful
family repeatedly.That’s why there were many Imperial Palaces for an emperor.”Mr,Nabeshima said.
I thought the tomb in front of our school is'YoumeiTennou'
s.But a book I'm reading says that is maybe not 'YoumeiTennou's.It is not clear.So I went to the tomb of 'YoumeiTennou'.I saw a sign of 'YoumeiTennou'.I wondred 'YoumeiTennou' was buried here or the not.Mr,Nabeshima told that the Imperial Household Agency recognized it is 'YoumeiTennou's.But nobady can investigate inside.
'Nihon-shoki' and 'Kojiki' says 'Youmei Tennou' was buried in 'Shinagahara' that is in the center of Shinaga.
Mistery of Koutoku Tenno
When I was a elementary school student,I was interested
in 'Koutoku Tennou' and tried to investigate about him by my textbook and so on. I wondred why Koutoku Tennou died,so I cheaked a textbook and the Internet.But there weren't any informations.So I asked Mr,Nabeshima.He told Koutoktu Tennou acceded after 'Taika-no-Kaishin'.
And he defeated 'Soga-no-KuraYamada-no-Ishikawamaro' and 'Sogashi' with Nakatomi-no-Kamatari and Nakano-oeno-Oji.
After that Nakatomi-no-Kamatari and Nakano-oeno-Oji didn't obey Koutoku-Tenno,so they went back to Asuka-no-Miya from Naniwa-no-Miya.
Koutoku-Tennou was left alone in Naniwa-no-Miya.
He wanted to governed but he couldn't.That's why he was in despair.Nobady knows the cause of his death.